Saturday, November 22, 2008

6/18/08 - Dump on the road, off to Seattle

We woke up early the following morning to avoid paying for our spot. I usually drove the morning shifts; I liked starting the day on the road. Derek was riding shotgun, passed out. When he woke up we shot the shit for a while. We saw some signs for Mt. St. Helen's and decided that we wouldn't be missing anything getting into Seattle at eight in the morning. The detour was about fifty miles, but the ride was smooth and we were the only ones on the road. By quarter to nine we stopped at a visitor's center, but they didn't open for another hour. We pulled ahead maybe 400 feet to a scenic look out. None of us knew what Mt. St. Helen's looked like, but we saw a predominant peak off in the ridgeline and decided that was it. We kicked around a bit, Derek improvised on the guitar and Tyler banged on some pots. I climbed some loose rocks across the street, and jumped off. Lance lay down or sat on a cooler. We made breakfast. I had a different flavor of oatmeal, and sat in the sun. Tyler had to crap, and decided to do it in the middle of the road. When he finished some cars passed, but none of them ran over the shit. Tyler took a few pictures of it, one with the light reflecting off a particularly nice piece reaching toward the sky. We sat around a while longer and left for Seattle.

The crap in the road was probably the most interesting thing that happened in Washington. We saw my cousins and Aunt in their nice pace in Redmond, where all the Microsoft millionaires live, and were treated nicely, to good food, and warm beds. It was nice and safe and overall tame. I did not see much of Seattle, and thought it was hiding it's true self from us. We were there two days and both were sunny and out of the ordinary. When we left my aunt told us we could stay as long as we wanted, that we didn't have to rush off. I didn't know how to tell her I was bored and restless so I didn't, and we left after hugs and pictures.

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